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Ut: Intense - Tan: Stretch (OOT-tah-NAH-sun-ah)
Ardha: Half - Ut: Intense - Tan: Stretch (OOT-tah-NAH-sun-ah)
Bala: Child (bahl-AH-sun-ah)
Vira: Hero (veer-AH-sun-ah)
Triang: Three - Mukha: Face - Eka: One - Pada: FootPaschima: West - Tan: Intense Stretch
Parigha: Gate (par-ee-GAH-sun-ah)
Vajra: Thunderbolt (VUH-JRAH-sun-ah)
Ardha: Half Hanuman: name of the Hindu god (HAH-new-mahn-AH-sun-ah)
Hanuman: name of the Hindu god (HAH-new-mahn-AH-sun-ah)
Krounch: Heron (crown-CHAH-sun-a)
Paschima: West (or back of the body) - Uttan: Intense (POSH-ee-moh-tan-AH-sun-ah)
Upavistha: Open - Kona: Angle (OO-pah-VEESH-ta-kon-AH-sun-a)