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Dhanur: Bow (DAHN-your-AH-sun-ah)

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Parsva Dhanurasana - Ardha Dhanurasana - Padanghustha Dhanurasana - Ustrasana


Key Actions: Padma pada - Anchor pubic bone - Feet press back into hands - Cobra Chest

Apana: Ground down through the pubic bone, relax glutes away from the sacrum and allow the shoulder blades to soften down the back.

Samana: Press down through the pelvis to draw the tailbone towards your knees and to create the stability that gives rise to Vyana Vayu. Draw the low ribs in.

Prana: Open and lift the sternum to the sky, lengthen from the pubic bone to the heart to create a cobra action through the chest.

Vyana: Actively press the feet back into the hands as you find length through the 3 channels of the spine (pubic bone to crown, and tops of the hips to the armpits), find length across the collar bones, fan your toes open and radiate energy out through your fingers and toes.

Udana: Center of the thighs lift off the earth. Lengthen through the back of the neck as the skull floats to the sky.


Key Actions: Padma pada - Anchor pubic bone - Feet press back into hands - Cobra Chest

Apana: Ground down through the pubic bone, relax glutes away from the sacrum and allow the shoulder blades to soften down the back.

Samana: Press down through the pelvis to draw the tailbone towards your knees and to create the stability that gives rise to Vyana Vayu. Draw the low ribs in.

Prana: Open and lift the sternum to the sky, lengthen from the pubic bone to the heart to create a cobra action through the chest.

Vyana: Actively press the feet back into the hands as you find length through the 3 channels of the spine (pubic bone to crown, and tops of the hips to the armpits), find length across the collar bones, fan your toes open and radiate energy out through your fingers and toes.

Udana: Center of the thighs lift off the earth. Lengthen through the back of the neck as the skull floats to the sky.


coming soon


HA/Solar - Contract - Triceps, Posterior Deltoids, Rhomboids, Spinal Extensors, Quadriceps (lower fibers), Hamstrings, Adductors

THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Biceps, Anterior Deltoid, Pectorals, Core Abdominals (eccentric contraction), Iliopsoas, Quadriceps (upper fibers), Abductors

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